4 Steps to Overcoming Challenges

So many people wish life was easier, with less challenges and obstacles but without challenges, life becomes stagnant and we stop growing.  Challenges help us uncover who we are and allow us to become better people and even draw us closer to our creator. My greatest times of growth have been during my most difficult challenges.  Can you relate? When I have a challenge, my very first step is to pray for wisdom and direction then I implement a simple 4-step method.

Let’s examine a very simple 4-step method to overcoming challenges.

First,  state the problem clearly.  When we are faced with challenges, we tend to avoid the issue and run the other way burying our heads in the sand hoping it goes away.  Or we may say – ok, there is an obstacle, instead of heading right to it and plowing through, I am going to look for another path and even though that is not the way I want to go – it looks easier… less headache… but rarely does...

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Are You Organized?

What does your closet look like?  Is it all tidy and color coordinated and arranged by season?

If so, move on… And for the rest of us who have closets full of clothes from ten years ago that we will fit into one of these days –  or that style will surely come back – or this is a classic – it will go with everything… You know who you are… or maybe you can’t even close your closet because the shoes are spilling out onto the floor…

Life is like a closet.  We hold onto past thoughts and emotions and we think if we hold on to it long enough and tight enough something will change – it will fit now – it will be all right – or we hold on because we can’t let go of the pain.  As one of my mentors says – let the dead bury the dead.

It is time to clean the closet and let go of all that dead weight. It is time to organize and compartmentalize all those things in that closet – put the...

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Two Step

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