Goals- Will you fail this year?

This is one of those topics that I could write about all day every day.  Goal setting, goal achieving, goals goals goals! This time of year, everyone is setting goals and many have already failed to achieve their goals for the year.  Why? 10% of all New Year goals are achieved if you stop at just setting a goal.  50% will achieve their goals if they make a specific plan of action to achieve the goals.  90% will achieve the goals if they have accountability and are working with someone else to achieve the goals.  Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

We all have goals.  Each and every one of us. Some of us think we gave up a long time ago and don’t have any but we do.  Every day we wake up with the goal to live another day.  Ok, maybe that is a stretch but don’t we all have goals to some extent?  And why is it so important to have goals? 

The most successful people on this planet didn’t wake up one day with an idea and a few...

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