Dr. Joy Poskozim and Tina Rains | Take the Risk


Integrative Dentistry is more than dental work; it looks more into the overall health. It’s looking outside the box. Integrative Dentistry looks at your overall health thoroughly asking many questions commonly not asked by your dentists.
Dr. Poskozim had zero Business building education for dentistry. She worked as an associate for a few years and she realized after 7 years following her graduation to start her own practice. Her practice started in 2006 in the State of Illinois.
The hardest thing when transitioning was educating the new clients on the value of integrative dentistry.
Joy’s niche is going to geriatric patients’ homes and providing Palliative Care. More importantly, geriatric patients need an overall deep dive into their health before being them with any dental service.

Dr. Poskozim did not have a mentor when she started, but highly recommends having one. In her field, she didn't know where to look for a mentor 15 years ago.
The best piece of advice she...

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