How is Your Attitude?


Attitude is the one thing all human beings have complete control of and yet many unknowingly choose a negative attitude.  If we understood the power of our own attitude in our lives, most of us would change it immediately.  How many times have you been told to change your attitude?  That is a common order from most parents and teachers! 

Attitude is created by your thoughts, feelings and actions.  Your mind controls feelings and decides whether these feelings will be positive or negative through your thoughts.  Your body then follows these thoughts through actions and behaviors.  It sounds simplistic because it is. 

Through our thoughts, we create an attitude.  This attitude is expressed based on how we internalize ideas.  Our mind and body move into a new vibration of conscious awareness known as feelings.  These feelings are then displayed through actions and behaviors that produce the results in our lives.

Attitude [Thoughts...

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Gratitude Changes Everything

Being thankful everyday for what you have is a mind-altering experience. A National Institutes of Health study found that when you express kindness or feel gratitude, your hypothalamus floods your brain with dopamine. Dopamine contributes to feelings of pleasures and satisfaction.

This week my attitude of gratitude was tested to the maximum. I had to make a choice as to what my focus would be. Do I focus on gratitude, God’s plan in the midst of the situation or just have a pity party? It can be easy to get in the mindset of feeling sorry for ourselves or others when things don’t go as we planned. Do you ever feel this way or is it just me? It always gets back to our choice. Do we Trust God and His plan for our lives? We know what Romans 8:28  promises "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Yet, how often do we get upset when our plans are not followed, or things aren’t what...

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