Gratitude Changes Everything

Being thankful everyday for what you have is a mind-altering experience. A National Institutes of Health study found that when you express kindness or feel gratitude, your hypothalamus floods your brain with dopamine. Dopamine contributes to feelings of pleasures and satisfaction.

This week my attitude of gratitude was tested to the maximum. I had to make a choice as to what my focus would be. Do I focus on gratitude, God’s plan in the midst of the situation or just have a pity party? It can be easy to get in the mindset of feeling sorry for ourselves or others when things don’t go as we planned. Do you ever feel this way or is it just me? It always gets back to our choice. Do we Trust God and His plan for our lives? We know what Romans 8:28  promises "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Yet, how often do we get upset when our plans are not followed, or things aren’t what we would like them to be? Are we willing to look for the opportunity for growth, look for things to be grateful for, or to be a beacon of light in every situation? Let’s face it, if we are being real, that isn’t always easy, however, keeping an attitude of gratitude in all situations has physical, emotional and spiritual benefits.

Try this quick and easy exercise every day. Wake up and immediately say what you are grateful for. It could be as simple as another day on earth. Your feet touching the ground. The ability to breath… or get a bit deeper – and be grateful for a specific person, condition, situation, thing, whatever it is in your life that you are grateful for. Journal your results. Try doing this for one minute 3-5 times a day. Watch how God transforms your thoughts.

There are half full and half empty people on this planet. The half full group has their glass filled with gratitude. Gratitude is one of those emotions that can increase wellbeing and happiness among those who deliberately create it. Gratitude can also increase energy, optimism and empathy; all characteristics of positive happy people. Imagine being aware of all the good things that surround you. Imagine how much easier it would be to handle diversity and opposition when you have this upbeat attitude? Imagine having a purpose in life, an appreciation for those lives around you, and a willingness to take action to show your feeling of gratitude.

Those are the ingredients to a more fulfilled balanced life. Focus on the big and the small things to show your gratitude. You will find that as you express this new attitude, you will emit a positive energy or aura that will attract into your life exactly what you need to proceed and succeed.

Gratitude is a state of mind that we all have access to. It takes practice and with practice, it reaps great benefits.

With Gratitude,

Tina Rains
Empowerment Coaching
Keynote Speaker
Live a Life of Purpose and Passion

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Tina Rains
Empowerment Coaching
Keynote Speaker
(954) 415-8969
Live a Life of Purpose and Passion

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