You Can Smash Through the Terror Barrier into Freedom

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2019

Fear is critical to our survival.  It keeps us protected from legitimate threats and danger.  If we only had life threatening fears, we’d be a very different society.  Instead we have additional irrational fears based on traumas, bad experiences, or those all too often handed down fears from our ill-advised relatives.

Stop for a minute and think about yourself. You will be glad you did. Looking at your fears, take a quick inventory in your head of what you are afraid of.  Heights is usually at the top of the list and a legitimate fear although some go to extremes, but there is a danger element in falling.  What else makes your list?  Wild animals? Fear of failure? Spiders? Rejection? Pain? Flying? Swimming? Public Speaking? Relationships? People? The color blue? I call this the terror barrier. How do they hold you back?

Fears are thoughts that we create based on experiences either that we have had or others have had and have imprinted onto our minds.  These fears are created, perpetuated and held in our minds.  I believe the enemy loves to trip us up in our minds.... Some fears  become too intense and then we develop anxieties and find our fears/terrors crippling our progress. I believe many of us can identify with this. 

By giving in and accepting our fears, we cannot move forward.  We cannot grow.  We are stopped in our tracks.  For example, fear of failure is common in varying degrees.  It keeps people from progressing in their careers, relationships, commitments.  People who exhibit this fear tend to stay in dead end jobs, stay in bad marriages, take the hand that’s dealt to them.  Accepting life as is and not daring to risk failing so why bother, why try?  How about fear of rejection?  I’m not good enough anyway… I can’t do that job, it’s too late for me, I am to old, I don’t have the credentials or experience and they won’t like me anyway…

So frustrating, right?  We all know someone like this.  Maybe it’s us?  Maybe we need a little push, a little self confidence, a realization that the fear we carry with us is made up, make believe, we can change our thinking and let go of whatever trauma we hold on to that makes the fear so real – so tangible – so part of our lives that we accepted long ago that it just is. 

We know the truth about who we are.  Sometimes, we have to stop, breathe and remind ourselves who the Lord says we are.  If you are struggling with fear or the lies the enemy tells you, read Ephesians chapters one and two.  Write down everything the Lord says you are in these two chapters.  Post it somewhere where you can see it to remind yourself of who and whose you are daily.  We are who HE says we are.  We have nothing to fear but fear itself.  When we are confident in who we are, fear dissipates tremendously. 

Sometimes we need help from others to work through our fears.  I certainly have.  I personally work with a coach weekly.  Sometimes we need a trusting mentor to show us the way, to gently guide us on our journey and break free of these fear chains we have grown to “love” so much.  I would be blessed beyond measure to do a free 30-minute call with you to help you start the process of breaking through the terror barrier into true FREEDOM.  To book your free strategy call, go to: Book Strategy Call

With much love,

Tina Rains

Empowerment Coaching
Keynote Speaker
Live a Life of Purpose and Passion

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