Tina Rains and Dr. Theresa Pantanella | Community

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2023

Dr. Theresa Pantanella, Woman of God, CEO, Founder, Women of Mastery and Faith, & Facebook Ads Expert. After 24 years in healthcare, her life changed overnight. After an investigation by the FBI and serving 18 months in a federal camp, she encountered God in prison. Theresa lost everything including her license to practice medicine. She had to reinvent herself after getting out of prison.

Theresa found hope during her bible studies in prison. She explains how holding on to the word of God can help you find hope in your darkest times.

People want to be part of a community now more than ever. God will place you in the right community. The community will always help you when you have a need and hold you accountable. Getting out of your own space allows you to think in a different pattern.

We have a huge opportunity to impact others. The motivation must be honorable. Keep your feet on the path God has for you. We are supposed to use our gifts in order for doors to open. God has your recompense.

Theresa recommends not hiking your mountains alone. To join a Godly community.

One tip from Theresa to all Ladies, Talk to a Godly friend every day and read a devotional. Abiding is key.


Remember you are a Masterpiece!


Women Masterpiece Retreat November 2-5, 2023. Visit our website for more information.



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